Awaken AACO


A growing community of pastors and ministry leaders in our county have been meeting to pray for, minister to and fellowship with one another over the past few years. Recently, through a monthly prayer call among these pastors and leaders, the Lord surfaced a vision to contend for revival in the body of Christ and awakening in the culture of our county. This is tentatively being called Awaken AACO. 


Awaken AACO has three main components.

  1. Pastors/ministry leaders participate in Maryland Prays or elevate their current prayer focus. 
    (MACC participates in Maryland Prays with a 24-hour prayer vigil on the 7th day of each month.)

  2. Pastors/ministry leaders join a pastors/ministers prayer circle or start their own.

  3. Pastors/ministry leaders invite their congregations/ministry members to join the body of Christ of Anne Arundel County for the National Day or Prayer event in Annapolis.