Registration is now open for KiCK 2024! Our annual Kids in Christ Kamp is coming up June 17–21!
All week long we are going to party and celebrate the good news of the Gospel of Jesus! Why? Because people who follow Jesus have a lot to celebrate!
Memory Verse: Acts: 2:28, NIrV
"You always show me the path that leads to life. You will fill me with joy when I am with you."
Bottom Lines:
Day 1) Jesus is a good reason to have a party.
Day 2) Everyone is invited to the party.
Day 3) Celebrate the good news.
Day 4) Jesus is the life of the party.
Day 5) You can be a party starter.
PreK KiCK (turned 3 by 9/1/23 & fully potty trained): 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Elementary KiCK (graduated kindergarteners - kids entering 6th grade): 6:00-8:30 pm