Where Friends Become Family




Our Mission

The staff at MACC is excited to offer college students with the opportunity to serve with us during the summer. Some of our interns may be sensing a call to vocational ministry, and this internship will allow them to test the waters for the affirmation of God’s call and for their aptitude and personal fulfillment with serving in this capacity. Other interns will just want to invest a summer in ministry to enhance their spiritual growth and to sharpen their ministry skills. In both cases, our mission as a staff is to disciple our college students, entrusting what we have learned to young people who can invest in others (2 Tim. 2:2) and to prepare them “for works of service” (Eph. 4:12). There are 6 objectives for the internship: maturing, mingling, mentoring, ministry, missions, and mystery.



Above all else, we desire that our interns grow spiritually while they are with us. We foster this growth by: 1) holding them accountable to daily quiet times; 2) having group morning devotions; 3) giving instruction on who God is and how to walk in intimacy with Him. 


By bringing to our campus a number of college students, we are hoping to form a community of young adults, wherein genuine and lifelong friendships can be formed. We all need a band of brothers or sisters, and no season of life requires this more than the years spent in college.


Each intern is assigned a staff mentor. They will meet together at least one time per week. This time will be for ministry oversight as well as pouring into the student for spiritual growth. Each student is also expected to spend time discipling two to three other students. 



Interns will choose an area of interest in which to serve. Most of their week will be spent in that ministry. They will be expected to set goals and to strive to meet them. At times, the team will join hands to serve a common goal in ministry (e.g., working together in our big summer children’s program KICK). Each student will be expected to develop and complete a summer project. 


Opportunities will be given for our students to stretch themselves outside of their comfort zone to share the gospel verbally and to demonstrate the gospel through serving in the community, both on the MACC campus and in the area around us. 


We are trusting God to do something in each student’s life that is unexpected and unanticipated. What we do know is that God wants to do a work in them that will forever change them. Only He knows what that work is, but by summer’s end, they will know the mystery also, and our prayer is that the fingerprint of God’s change in their lives from the internship will stay with them forever.



Students are expected to work 20 to 30 hours per week, and availability Sunday through Thursday mornings is mandatory. We know that college students need money. We also understand that they can work at other places to make more money than we are offering them. However, we also believe that we are offering them mentoring and training that is of more value than a paycheck. Nevertheless, we offer each student $1,500 for the 10-week internship, from May 20 – July 28.