Aid to Ukraine Blog
Stay up to date with how your prayers and support are assisting our missionaries providing the people of Ukraine shelter, safe passage, food and the love of God.
You can bring much needed aid to the people of Ukraine.
We are working with a missionary who is currently in Warsaw, Poland, coordinating relief efforts for churches in Ukraine. Here's how you can help:
Pray the church in Ukraine will bring the hope of Christ in the midst of chaos.
Pray for people in Ukraine, Russia and everywhere to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for hope and peace that only He can provide.
Pray for church leaders in Ukraine to have wisdom for how they can best minister and meet the needs of their people.
Humanitarian Aid
Here’s what your gift will provide:
Temporary housing for displaced people.
Non food Items
Hygiene items
Wood for heating
Transportation assistance for those that need to evacuate
To give, click the dropdown menu under “Fund” and choose “Give to Ukraine.”