Filtering by: Women's MInistry

IF: Gathering 2023
to Mar 4

IF: Gathering 2023

We will be hosting IF: Gathering 2023 on March 3 and 4! This is a wonderful opportunity to watch the simulcast of the live event from Texas and connect with others as we discuss the teachings at the event. Friday night’s schedule is from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. and Saturday is from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. We will provide a light snack on Friday night and continental breakfast and lunch on Saturday. The cost of the event will be $25. Click the button to register.

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Ladies Bingo
7:00 PM19:00

Ladies Bingo

Join us for Ladies Bingo on Monday, October 3 at 7 p.m. This is a great way to meet new ladies and fellowship with friends. It is a FREE event, however, we are requesting donations of diapers to support the Wellspring Life Ministry.

If you can’t attend Bingo and you still want to donate diapers, you can drop them off during Bible study on September 29.

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Women's Spring Dinner
6:30 PM18:30

Women's Spring Dinner

Registration is now open for the annual Women’s Spring Dinner on Monday, May 2! It’s always a great time of delicious food, wonderful fellowship with old and new friends, worship and teaching. Our speaker Kelley Brown will be speaking on the “Anchor of our Souls.” The cost of the event is $30 per person. Childcare is not provided, and you must be 18 or over to attend. Email with questions.

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Don't Hog Your Journey & Chili Cook Off
6:30 PM18:30

Don't Hog Your Journey & Chili Cook Off

Join us on March 14 at 6:30 p.m. to hear two MACC women give their testimonies. The evening will begin with a fun chili cook off! We are looking for 10 contestants to enter the contest and your ticket will be free!

If you would like to compete in the chili cook off, please contact prior to signing up.

*Childcare will not be provided for this event.

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Women's Spring Event
7:00 PM19:00

Women's Spring Event

Women’s Ministry is excited to announce their spring event on Monday, May 3, which will be in person at MACC. Due to COVID-19 guidelines, there is limited space available, so register soon!

If you are registering with a group, please provide the total number of people in your group and their names. If this is not provided, seating will be limited to two women per table per CDC guidelines for physical distancing. Cost is $10 per person.

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Women's Christmas Event
7:00 PM19:00

Women's Christmas Event

Our annual Women’s Christmas event will look a little different this year, but we are excited to celebrate our Savior just the same! Join us for a socially-distanced worship event on Monday, December 7 at 7 p.m. with guest speaker Geri Chester. There will be no food eaten during the event, but there will be prepackaged cupcakes as you leave the event. Online registration is closed.

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Women's Worship Night
7:00 PM19:00

Women's Worship Night

Women are invited to our worship night on Monday, October 7 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Geri Chester joins us to speak on trusting, listening and obeying God. Just like the women in the Bible, we can have a great impact if we choose to be obedient to God’s leading. Online registration will open September 16, or you can register at church on Sundays. Cost of the event is $10.

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Women's Movie Night
7:00 PM19:00

Women's Movie Night

Women’s Ministry is hosting a movie night on Monday, July 22. The featured movie will be Chonda Pierce's “Stand Up for Families - Family is Forever and Ever, Amen," which is a comedy show. The movie night will be 7-8:30 p.m. Meet new friends, laugh and enjoy a yummy popcorn bar! Cost of the event is $10. Click the button below to reserve your spot.

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