Prayer at MACC
Prayer is essential to the work of MACC. Join us in this vital Kingdom-building ministry as we strive to walk in step with the Holy Spirit. Let us know how we can come alongside you in prayer, and learn more about our new prayer initiative, America Prays.
Prayer Requests
America Prays
Prayer manual
Prayer Walk
At MACC, we have a prayer walk mapped out following the ABCS of Prayer. Download the map, and take a prayer walk on our beautiful property.
America Prays
Covering America in 24/7 Prayer
MACC is part of a state-wide effort, Maryland Prays, which is part of the national America Prays network. America Prays is a movement of believers, churches, businesses and ministries covering America in 24/7 prayer. Their vision is to unite and equip 40,000 churches in 24/7 prayer for a national spiritual awakening. It is a multiethnic, interdenominational, multigenerational, Jesus-centered prayer movement. America Prays is part of the World Prays global prayer network.
J. Edwin Orr once said, “No great spiritual awakening has begun anywhere in the world apart from united prayer.” The world is in desperate need of spiritual awakening. Will you partner with us to cover every city and state in America in 24/7 prayer? Will you stand in the gap for your community?
Join the Movement
MACC is joining the movement to pray on the 7th of each month. Sign up for a 30-minute time slot (or longer) to pray for our community, country and our world.
Awaken AACO
Learn about this community of pastors and community leaders gathering to pray for revival in our county.
Prayer Resources for America Prays
Check out these resources to help make the most of your time in prayer!