Dig Deeper Into God’s Word

Ready to dig deeper into God’s Word? Currently, we are in a series titled Grow, studying the book of 2 Peter. Each week, be sure to download the Digging Deeper study that goes along with that week’s sermon. Digging Deeper provides you with a Bible reading plan for the week as well as reflection questions and prayer guidance for each day. You can download each week’s study below.


2024 Sermon Series


2023 Sermon Series


2022: The Book of Acts

Series 1: One Giant Leap

Week 1: Acts 1:1–8
Week 2: Acts 1:9–26
Week 3: Acts 2:1–13
Week 4: Acts 2:14–21
Week 5: Acts 2:22–39

Series 2: Power

Week 1: Acts 2:42–47
Week 2: Acts 3:1–11
Week 3: Acts 3:12–26

Series 3: Submerged

Week 1: Acts 4:13–31
Week 2: Acts 4:1–12
Week 3: Acts 4:13–37
Week 4: Acts 5:12-42


2021: The Book of James


2021: The Book Of Ephesians


2020: The Book of John